IB Diploma Chemistry: Some OLD Past Papers & Past Paper Questions by Topic

Revamping my HTML-based homepage and making it considerably leaner, I removed many of its contents. Those that I think others might still find useful — notably the science resources — I am reproducing them here.

This is a reproduction of the page containing links to some really old IB Diploma HL Chemistry past papers, and revision questions from even older past papers arranged by topic.

NB. This is a reproduction of something that was last revised and updated in January 2010! If the curriculum has changed since then–which I am sure it has because IB revises them every four years–it’s your responsibility to identify the relevant from the irrelevant.

With the Paper 3’s, if you decide to print them, you may want to print only the questions that are relevant to you, questions on the options that you want to attempt, so as NOT to waste paper and ink.

HL November 2002 Papers

HL May 2003 Paper

HL November 2003 Papers

Some other Paper 3’s

Revision questions from past papers by topic (all in MsWord format):

Structured Questions:

Multiple Choice Questions:

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