GCSE Chemistry PowerPoint Slides

  • Post category:Chemistry / GCSE
  • Reading time:4 mins read
I am in the process of replacing all the javascript-powered online PowerPoint slides (which don’t render well anymore on many browsers) with blog posts containing embeds of the actual PowerPoint slides for your benefit.
Those that have been updated are labeled “Updated.”
Additionally, if you are interested in downloading the PowerPoint slides, instead of browsing through them, click here. (It will take you to the GCSE Chemistry PPT folder in my Google Drive.)

In the process of completely revamping my HTML-based homepage, making it considerably leaner, I have removed a lot of the contents. Those that I think others still might find useful, notably the science resources, I am reproducing them here for their benefit.

This is a reproduction of the page containing links to the online PowerPoint slides I used when I taught GCSE chemistry a long time ago.

NB. This is a reproduction of something that was last revised and updated in 2009! If the curriculum has changed since then, it’s your responsibility to identify the relevant from the irrelevant.

Topic: C1. Classifying Materials

Topic: C2. Changing Materials: Formulae & Equations

Topic: C3. Patterns of Behavior in Elements

Topic: C4. Changing Materials to Useful Products

Topic: C5. Patterns of Behavior in Reactions

Topic: C6. Changing Materials: The Environment

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