Intro & Contents: IBDP Chemistry Discrepant Events

While what I do with my students is described below, any IBDP chemistry student may find these discrepant events useful.

Often at the beginning of a topic, students will either observe a demonstration or watch a video or be given a description of a discrepant event. After sufficient materials have been covered, they are challenged to explain it.

However, unlike in MYP science, their write-ups aren’t always graded. Some times the discrepant event write-up may be graded and contribute towards their final grade just as a quiz would. Some times, it may be graded according to one or more of the IA criteria. And some other times, it may lead to a design investigation.

What a given Discrepant Event requires is made clear at the time it is demonstrated. Regardless, the Discrepant Events published on this blog contain guiding questions to help you.

IB Diploma Chemistry discrepant events are labeled with either the prefix DP1 or DP2 which refer to first year and second year respectively.

IBDP year 1 Chemistry Discrepant Events

  1. Gunpowder: Ideal Mixture
  2. Magical Candle
  3. Plastic Bottle Cannons
  4. Gaseous Behavior
  5. Hare-Brain Chemistry
  6. Magical Crystals
  7. Flares

IBDP year 2 Chemistry Discrepant Events

  1. Magical Beakers
  2. Sugar Daddy…with Flare

Appropriate for both year 1 and year 2

  1. Fun with Liquid Nitrogen
  2. Water Bottle Explosion
  3. Cracking Crackers


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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. jim hoagland

    I am a new instructor looking for some good information to put together a challenging program at our school. You have some awesome items here.

    1. Dorje

      Thanks Jim! Feel free to use them as you see fit!

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