Education Must Teach About Being Human and to Value Humanity the Most

When it comes to identity, most formal and informal education system around the world focus on and elevate the person's nationality, religion, class, sex/gender, official position/profession, age, race, caste, sexuality etc. What is most important, however, is to teach a person to think of themself as a human being first and to value humanity above all.

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View Towers or Libraries? Nepal: View Towers…Definitely!

Nepal is NOT a knowledge-based economy. As a matter of fact, the aim of those in positions of power and influence--for whom power and money trumps everything--has always been to keep the population poorly education in order to control and manipulate them. So, view towers are prioritized over schools and libraries.

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Kathmandu University’s Job Advertisement in The Times of COVID-19

Reading the wanted advertisement Kathmandu University put out in early May 2021, you would think that nothing was amiss in the there were no such thing as a pandemic raging!

I tear apart the advertisement in this blog post. It's like the decision makers at KU were a bunch of clueless individuals running a small family-owned and run business, NOT academics!

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Nepal, Cultivate a Child’s Mind Instead of Controlling It

Cultivating the mind of a child is analogous to cultivating a garden. In Nepal, however, our still very traditional and regressive ways is to tightly control, confine, and constrain the garden of the mind of a child. In order to cultivate the mind, what we must teach and learn to do is to free it.

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