Teacher Education: Engaging Climate Change Lesson Using Just Five Graphs Found on The Internet

Back in early September last year, as part of the teacher education program at a local private school, I conducted a fun and engaging lesson for grade 8 students on the topic of climate change. All I used was just some graphs that I got from the internet. Here are the details.

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Nepal Education: Our Textbooks Hinder Learning!

Pretty much every Nepali school textbook I have seen and read about, I have decided, actually hinders children's learning, forget promote -- and contribute to -- them! In this blog post, I show how a fifth grade textbook completely misses the mark.

The solution? Do away with the local and national level examinations in grades 8 and 10 and eliminate textbooks.

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Modeling Atoms: When You Don’t Have Much, Make Creative Use of The Little You Do

At under-funded and resource-strapped public schools in Nepal, teaching science in a way that brings the subject alive for students can be a major challenge. What the teachers at such schools do have is themselves and their students. There's no reason they shouldn't be using their own students (by having them model structures for example) in an effort to get across difficult and challenging science concepts and ideas!

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