What is Caste Privilege?

Because of the LONG social, political and economic casteist history of Nepal, the hill co-called High Caste Hindus benefit from many (structural) privileges, while others are disadvantaged. But what percent in Nepal are aware of that, forget doing something actively in their everyday lives to counter their devastating impacts? What percent are even knowledgeable about what caste privilege is? This blog post summarizes some of that which constitutes caste privilege.

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NOT Surprised Nepal’s Judiciary is Corrupt; Would Have Been if NOT — Here’s Why

I am NOT surprised by the fact that so many of the systems in Nepal are so thoroughly corrupt. Reason? Select ethnic/caste groups(s) monopolizing State structures continuously for centuries, as had been the case in this country, is itself one of the root causes -- if not THE root cause -- as well as evidence of corruption.

The judiciary is no exception.

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To a hill so-called High Caste Hindu Professor, sharing evidence of structural issues is being “communal” and having “venom” for “certain ethnicity”!

One of the many legacies of the long casteist history of the country is the major structural issues Nepal continues to face. Evidences abound! But I keep coming across hill so-called High caste Hindus who can't see or refuse to see the evidences for what they are.

This is about one such man, a professor at a medical college no less!

Continue ReadingTo a hill so-called High Caste Hindu Professor, sharing evidence of structural issues is being “communal” and having “venom” for “certain ethnicity”!

Disaggregation of 419 Applications for 14 Positions at an NGO (Non-profit) Expose Structural Issues in Nepal

Breakdown of 419 applications for 14 positions at an NGO (non-profit) along gender, caste, qualification lines expose the structural issues inherent in the Brahmanical and highly patriarchal Nepali society.

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Ever Wondered Why We Have Such Warped Structures in Nepal? Here’s Part of The History Responsible For That

Nepali social, economic, and political structures are completely warped. The hill so-called high caste Hindu men are disproportionately highly represented in pretty much every body of note. How did that happen? Here's a little bit of history about that and more.

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Caste Hierarchy, False-equivalence Argument, and Mount Everest

When a hill so-called high caste Hindu counters a member of another caste describing the challenges in their lives because of the caste they are born into by saying that they too struggle and have had to work hard to get as far as they have gotten in life, they are basically making a false-equivalence argument. What is a false-equivalence argument anyway? I go into the details by using an analogy -- that of climbing Mount Everest.

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