What is Caste Privilege?

Because of the LONG social, political and economic casteist history of Nepal, the hill co-called High Caste Hindus benefit from many (structural) privileges, while others are disadvantaged. But what percent in Nepal are aware of that, forget doing something actively in their everyday lives to counter their devastating impacts? What percent are even knowledgeable about what caste privilege is? This blog post summarizes some of that which constitutes caste privilege.

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NOT Surprised Nepal’s Judiciary is Corrupt; Would Have Been if NOT — Here’s Why

I am NOT surprised by the fact that so many of the systems in Nepal are so thoroughly corrupt. Reason? Select ethnic/caste groups(s) monopolizing State structures continuously for centuries, as had been the case in this country, is itself one of the root causes -- if not THE root cause -- as well as evidence of corruption.

The judiciary is no exception.

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A Primary School Poetry Textbook: Another Evidence of the Failure of Nepali Education System?

A primary school poetry textbook contains 108 poems by 66 poets representing only 44 surnames. All but three were male poets. A vast majority (88%) of the poets were Bahun/Brahmin, hill so-called high Hindu, men who make up 6% of the population. And that's not even the worst.

Regardless, that makes one wonder, among other things, what the accomplishment of seventy or so years of education for the public has been. Who has the State been educating?

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