Risky Business
Another reproduction of a short story I wrote as a student in Nepal-- this one as a 9th grader. I happen to have a copy of it because I still own a copy of the issue of the school magazine in which it was published!
Another reproduction of a short story I wrote as a student in Nepal-- this one as a 9th grader. I happen to have a copy of it because I still own a copy of the issue of the school magazine in which it was published!
Reproduction of a story I wrote as maybe a 7th grader in an on-the-spot short-story writing contest. I reproduce it here because the story won first prize!
A blog post about my 7th grade English teacher Bro. Joe Sheehan. The amazing storyteller that he was, he fired my imagination and contributed to my "escape" from Kathmandu to see -- and learn about -- the amazing people and world beyond the borders of Nepal. He had a role to play in who I am today.
A fascinating short account of the circumstances and context around -- and the story behind -- the founding of St. Xavier's Godavari School, my old school in Kathmandu, Nepal by the Jesuit Priest Fr. Marshall Moran. The extract comes from a book about the founder.
How people are in some respects -- and also how power dynamics -- work don't change with time. Should you suffer in some way because of that, hardly any of it is about you AND as such you can't do anything about it really. And that's ok!
Corporal punishments rarely impart any meaningful lesson, and yet, in Nepal, it's defended as part of our "culture." My classmates and I suffered from it too and as far as I can tell, they didn't do much good for us!
What's more, it is possible to educate and raise children without punishing them physically.