Nepal, When a Vast Majority Can’t Think Or Reason Logically, How Can You Have Accountability?!

Nepali society is highly dysfunctional, hollow, and deeply flawed. There are many reasons behind that.

One is that Nepalis struggle greatly to empathize with fellow Nepalis even while they take pride in being born in the same country as the historical Buddha.

Another is that accountability for one's words and actions are virtually nonexistent. The reason? The level of education of the population is low, and even that education is of poor quality, the products of which are people unable to think and reason logically.

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When Structural Privilege Blinds and Subtle Internalized Casteism Guides II

The caste system has corrupted the minds of a vast majority of Nepalis, if not all. This is yet another example of how it has corrupted the minds of the Hill so-called High Caste Hindus.

Blinded as they are by structural privilege and their sense of entitlement their social group has enjoyed for generations, they demonstrate subtle internalized casteism stemming from their unconscious belief in superiority and greater knowledgeability.

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About Dassain…”Methinks thou dost protest too much”

Closed and inward-looking people are "offended" or "hurt" by anything they perceive as an attack on anything even remotely connected to or part of their identity. Many even go on the offensive in reaction instead of introspecting.

Closed and inward-looking Nepalis are no different. This is an example of their reaction to protests by indigenous population against Dassain, the biggest national festival of the country, which, to many of them, is a symbol of oppression and suppression.

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To a hill so-called High Caste Hindu Professor, sharing evidence of structural issues is being “communal” and having “venom” for “certain ethnicity”!

One of the many legacies of the long casteist history of the country is the major structural issues Nepal continues to face. Evidences abound! But I keep coming across hill so-called High caste Hindus who can't see or refuse to see the evidences for what they are.

This is about one such man, a professor at a medical college no less!

Continue ReadingTo a hill so-called High Caste Hindu Professor, sharing evidence of structural issues is being “communal” and having “venom” for “certain ethnicity”!