Nepali Education System Teaches Students to NOT Think

Math education in Nepal is limited to committing to memory formulae after formulae and, using them, how to solve problems that have been attempted over and over again using rules and steps also committed to memory. Little to nothing about WHERE the formula came from, WHY they work, and HOW they reflect something in or about life and the real world is taught. But all that can be taught and therefore how to think. For the details of HOW to do that, read on!

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The Price

In Nepal, you pay a price if you, as someone Nepali society considers to not be sufficiently meritorious, comment on the issues the society suffers from or holds up a mirror.

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Old Habits Die Hard…in Nepali Public Schools

In most government (public) schools in Nepal, children are taught to memorize and regurgitate materials from a really early age, like second grade. One of the ways the children do that is by reading aloud, a practice that harks back all the way to the days of Aryan-Sanskritic education system prevalent in the Indian Subcontinent long before the modern system of education was introduced. Here's an example.

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