Kathmandu: Driving and Parking Nepal

Could it be because we, Kathmandu drivers, are so bad, hilarious and sad at driving and parking and honking that we are so bad at driving issues, and parking on sides of issues, that matter to us and we are as bad calling out those who should be called out? I think so.

It's time that we held our leaders, our government, driving our country backwards and parking our country where they personally benefit from, accountable to us. Kathmanduites, side with the the rest of the population and honk at the leaders prodding them to steer the country in the direction that benefits us all, not just them.

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No Can Do In Kath Man Du

In Nepal, it seems, some rights -- even when it infringes on the rights of others -- can be asserted especially when you can back it up with violence! In other words, some rights -- granted by the law and constitution of the country -- which you should be able to assert peacefully, you might not assert, or be able to assert, because of the threat of violence against you!

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