View Towers or Libraries? Nepal: View Towers…Definitely!

Nepal is NOT a knowledge-based economy. As a matter of fact, the aim of those in positions of power and influence--for whom power and money trumps everything--has always been to keep the population poorly education in order to control and manipulate them. So, view towers are prioritized over schools and libraries.

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When Perceived Success of Education is Actually EVIDENCE of Failure

If, as an adult, you are CONVINCED that your academic institution SUCCEEDED in providing an excellent education, BUT has made you an ardent and blind supporter of the institution -- approving of everything it says, does, represents, and stands for unquestioningly -- then it failed you. Here are some examples of that from Nepal.

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Open Societies Use Information & Knowledge To Free Their People; Closed Ones to Control

How a society uses information and knowledge depends a lot on the kind of society it is. An open and outward looking society uses information and knowledge to free their people, for example. A closed and inward-looking society, on the other hand, utilizes them to control their people. Nepal, being a closed and inward-looking society, expends a lot of effort into controlling their people, starting from when they are children.

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