Only in Nepal: Forget Acknowledge an Issue, Deny Its Existence, Make Talking About It Taboo, AND Associate Stigma With It

It's virtually impossible to address a social ill without the society first acknowledging it for what it is. When the education system does NOT do that, what chance is there at all of there even being a discourse about it, forget take steps to address it?! That is the situation with the caste system in Nepal.

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Something Really Strange and Curious About the Nepali People…as Revealed by Census Data

The pattern in Nepal's population distribution by single year age, whether one from 1961 or 2011, is peculiar! They have spikes and there's a pattern to them--two too! So the question is why?

Of course, such patterned spikes in age distribution data do NOT generally exist because there's NO reason to!

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We have a Competition in Nepal…A Competition Among Educators to Give Their Academic Institution The MOST Ridiculous Name

From 1990 onwards, we've has a competition in Nepal...a competition among educators to give their academic institution the MOST ridiculous and/or absurd name. I know because, noticing it, I did a write-up on it and even stalked about it in my FM radio program in 1998. So, after three decades, who is winning? All of them...and naturally education is losing out.

Continue ReadingWe have a Competition in Nepal…A Competition Among Educators to Give Their Academic Institution The MOST Ridiculous Name