“The local people should improve the quality of their lives.” […] “But let them not wear ties”

Our political leaders and the Kathmandu elite have always been arrogant, self-righteous and patronizing when it came to the way they treat marginalized Nepalese.

Here's an example of that going all the way back to the early nineties when they opened and served up Mustang district as consumer products to trekkers and travellers.

Is it any wonder they are treating the people in the southern plains as they are now?!

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NYC: Education for Freedom

Education is for freedom: freedom from the constraints of having to think, having to subscribe to attitudes and having to behave in ways dictated by the culture and society one is born into (whether in Nepal or elsewhere); freedom from the socioeconomic shackles one is born into if born into a low socioeconomic context in countries like Nepal and others.

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