Caste System Can Corrupt The Mind, Kill The Spirit, And Strip One of Humanity

Our social system, the caste system, is a pernicious, insidious, and a deeply corrupt monstrosity. It corrupts the mind, kills the spirit, and strips one of humanity and, worse, obstructs one from seeing the others' humanity. And as such, it corrupts everything else -- all other systems and structures -- based on or influenced by it as they are.

One of consequences of that we are seeing during these unprecedented times of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Nepal: Privilege and Entitlement Fostered Myopic Arrogance

There are many many consequences of Nepali society being highly patriarchal and stratified. The Bhramanical patriarchal system stratified along caste lines, for example, has resulted in high caste Hindu men having a monopoly over in position of power and influence. Being there for as long as they have been, they have established a culture that works for them, a culture based, among other things, their arrogance. In blog post, I share one example of how that arrogance translates into what otherwise would be a professional relationship and professional interactions.

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When Nepalis Use the Caste System to Make Others Suffer…with an Exception

Outcastes, foreigners, according to the caste system, are supposed to be of lower status than Dalits, and therefore even more "impure." At one time, some category of them were treated as such. But no longer. Nepalis changed their views of, attitude towards, and behaviors with them within a little more than a generation. When will we do the same when it comes to fellow Nepalis and stop discriminating against them so so much more?

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Pointing out structural issues in Nepal, to Khas-aryas, is…”pointing fingers”

When pointing out systemic and structural issues in Nepal, the structurally privileged, the hill so called high caste Hindus either go on the defensive or offensive. One of the offensive tactics they use is to accuse the person of "pointing fingers" at them! I have had that. What would have been welcome, among other things, is them listening to our analysis and evaluations and working with us to establish a more just and equitable society.

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