One Small Step for a Science Teacher, One Giant Leap for Science Teaching in Nepal?
We are making gains, we are making progress...albeit small and slowly, but some day will amount to something substantial...that's what I am hoping anyway!
We are making gains, we are making progress...albeit small and slowly, but some day will amount to something substantial...that's what I am hoping anyway!
Teaching science to fifth graders at Jana Uddhar School without using a textbook.
Dreams can be powerful; they can take you places some not even imagined possible!
Follow link to watch a video of the presentation where I talked about how I realized my dreams, how I continue to dream and what I hope they do with their lives.
Live life in others' terms, you'll matter what.
Live life in ones own terms, you'll matter what.
In other words, ones success is measured by oneself, so therefore, success is what you make of life.
Reconstruction of Raithane Secondary School.
Reconstruction of Saat Kanya Primary School, another school in Thangpalkot, is almost complete thanks to a generous non-profit donor.