When Form and Protocol (“Sanskriti”) Generally Take Precedent Over and Is Valued More Than Substance…

When form and protocol generally take precedent over and is valued more than substance, a society struggles to make social, economic, and political progress. One such form and protocol is showing respect for and/or deferring to old men. In this blog post I demonstrate how two old men use the guise of lack respect for old men as a pretext for silencing young adult women of similar academic and professional stature as them for no other reason than the fact that they are female.

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The Elephant in The Room

Nepali society struggles to make social progress for a number of different reasons. One of the reasons is that we have a number of social stigmas and many subjects and issues are taboo. In other words, most Nepalis live in denial of many issues plaguing the society. Here are a number of those stigmas and taboo subjects.

The first step to addressing them is to admit to the fact that they are issues. Then we can have honest conversations and discourses about them and find solutions for them.

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