Supporting Instructions in German

  • Post category:Projects

With thanks to Karla, here's the German instructions for how to support through Paypal or Credit card. Unterstützung via PayPal Sobald Sie den PayPal-Button oben drücken, werden Sie zu umgeleitet werden, um dort Ihre Zahlungsmethode zu wählen. Sie benötigen ein PayPal-Konto, um die Spenden-Transaktion abzuschließen; PayPal erlaubt Ihnen, mit Kreditkarten zu bezahlen; Sie können sich für diese Zahlung auf  einen der weltweit führenden Zahlungs-Vermittler verlassen. Wenn Sie nicht bereits ein PayPal-Konto haben, können Sie ein Konto direkt auf dieser Seite erstellen. Ein Paypal-Konto ist für diese Transaktion durch PayPal erforderlich, weil die endgültige Abbuchungs-Genehmigung erst am Ende dieser Kampagne…

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EdufreeNepal Campaign: Days 7-14

  • Post category:Projects

Day 7 Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of June 2. I have these backers to thank for their pledges:  Imre Tuba, my friend from my UWCAD days. Linda Hilbrecht and Rich Tyler, another BMIS crew. Jocelyn Sage Mitchell Jennifer Duncombe, AIS Saigon crew. Sujeeta Sahi, a friend from days spent at GAA. Cynthia Verjovsky Marcotte Day 8 Fig. 2. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of June 3. I have these backers to thank for their pledges: Oliver and Nidhi Bruce Eipe Jennifer Ruud Hijdra Dara Green Jayendra Rai, another Godavarian…

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EdufreeNepal Campaign: Day 6

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Six days of campaigning and still going strong! With still about four weeks left, we are almost half-way to the tipping point!! Thrilling! Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of June 1. The backers making it into the thank-you honor roll over the last 24 hour period are: Morgante Pell. Amy Pertersen, the Baku Evil Eyes Hamburgler! Malia Oliver, a classmate from Grinnell. John H. Moore, a fellow Grinnellian. Jonas Rejda, my buddy from  QA. Michael Hanna, a classmate from Grinnell. Mina Hosseinipour, a Hashing and Ultimate Frisbee friend from my days in Malawi. Once gain, please…

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EdufreeNepal Campaign: Day 5

  • Post category:Projects

Five days of campaigning completed, and we make steady progress towards our tipping point. Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of May 31. The backers making it into the thank-you honor roll over the last 24 hour period are: Liza Edrich, a friend from Doha. Daniella Cintra Chaves. Gaute Strokkenes, a former student from my days at RCNUWC. Laura Pogue, a classmate and friend from my years at Grinnell. Swadhesh Sthrestha, a friend from Nepal. Andrej Bauer, a friend and classmate from my years at UWCAD. Anonymous 3x (I have removed the names of these…

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