Shatin College: What Makes a Successful Life
What makes for a successful life is one lived following ones dreams, one lived in ones own terms, instead of one lived following others.
What makes for a successful life is one lived following ones dreams, one lived in ones own terms, instead of one lived following others.
The power and privilege of education, the power of compassion & humanity, and how what I am doing now is in line with the UWC mission and values of international understanding and world peace.
How and why I achieved academic, personal and professional success in spite of the circumstances and context of my birth, lessons I have learned, why I do what I do back in Nepal, and what I hope students like them do with, and in, their lives.
About life, following dreams, the beauty and power of humanity, and what I am doing with my life to make it meaningful.
The spuriousness of the logic behind the Caste System, which considers birth as an end instead of the beginning that it is, and what can be done to eliminate it.
A video of the the presentation I made at four different locations during my April-May 2014 visit to the US. It covers the plight of marginalized groups such as Dalits, women, Tharus and Tamangs both in the country (Nepal) and abroad, and what COMMITTED is doing about it all.