READING TIME: 3 minutes

Parvati Gole

Sell hope to the hopeless, they’ll buy it. And contrary what those that have never experienced real hopeParvati Gole v6 - low reslessness would have you believe, it’s not because they are stupid.

Parvati’s family was one of those millions of Nepalese families that bought hope, a dream, a promise of a much better future, in the form of a passage for her sister to Malaysia for work. (According to the most recent census report (of 2011) about 25% of Nepalese families have at least one member who is a returnee or living and working abroad.)

Her sister’s story is heart-wrenching. Two years ago, the sister went to Malaysia. Parvati and her family probably dreamt of better life following her sister’s migration. Six months into her stay in the country, Parvati and family received news of her sister’s death. Apparently, she had been “found dead hanging in a room.”

At the time of migration, she had been but a mere child studying in seventh grade also at Raithane School, making her about 14 years old.

As harrowing as my own experience in Qatar was, I cannot imagine what the child must have faced/experienced/endured!

In the months since I have been back, I have discovered that stories such as this isn’t the exception. This has also been attested to by Pete Pattisson’s findings.

While in jail, I also found someone, who, at the time, I thought was a 19 year-old–because I couldn’t imagine a minor being in there, though he looked younger. But since returning, I have been more inclined to think that he might have been a minor. I don’t know whatever happened to him, and I wonder if I’ll ever know…anything about him. But I digress….

Returning to Parvati and her family, forget about the life they envisioned for themselves, she and her family struggle to even cover her own educational expenses.

Attached below are details of her family and the costs of her education.

parvati gole - request letter
Parvati Gole’s request letter. (Click on the image for the original.)

The request letter reads:

Subject: About scholarship.

Personal and family details of the student


Yearly Cost/NRs.

1. Student’s name: Parvati Gole 1. School uniform


2. Father’s name: Man Bdr. Gole 2. Shoes + socks


3. Mother’s name: Tika Devi Gole 3. School bag


4. Number of family members: 5 4. Tie + belt (1 set)


5. Duration for which agricultural yield sustains the family: 8 months 5. Student ID


6. Family member abroad: Older sister who went to Malasiya died in Malaysia. 6. Admission fee


7. Address: Gunsa VDC -4 7. Exam fees (300 x 3)


8. Financial situation: very week.Class: 8 8. Computer fees (90 x 12)


  9. Notebooks (20 x 18 x 12)


  10. Pencils (10 x 24)


  11. Geometry box (80 x 1)




Signed and stamped
The Principal

At the current rate of exchange of approximately Rs. 98=US$1.00, the total cost amounts to US$94/year as a 7th grader.

However, she has just about three more months in 7th grade. (Academic year in Nepal runs from mid-April to the beginning of April the following year.) That means, she’ll need support for at least the next three years.

If you are interested in sponsoring her, please have a read of our sponsorship policy first and then follow the instructions therein.  Please also inform me by email at dorje[at]dorjegurung[dot]com or dorje[dot]gurung[at]

January 24 Update

An anonymous sponsor has agreed to see through Parvati’s education! Thanks a bunch!

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September 2014 Update

She passed her grade 7 exams and is currently in grade 8!


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1:56 pm February 25, 2015 Update

I have just heard from her sponsor saying that unfortunately, for personal reasons, they can no longer continue to support Parvati’s education.

Would you like to support her? This academic year, as an 8th grader, her cost would be US$103.50 if you decide to do so.

Click here to deposit the funds in our PayPal account. Let me know that the fund is for Parvati by using the Contact Form on the right.

Thanks in advance!

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3:00 pm February 25, 2015 Update

Ingrid Prytz Ohm, a school friend from my years at the United World College of the Adriatic has stepped in and agreed to see through Parvati’s secondary school education. Tusen takk Ingrid!!


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September 2015 Update

She passed her grade 7 exams and is currently in grade 9!


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July 2017 Update

It’s been almost two years since the last update. Parvati stayed on in school in spite of all the difficulties, and completed her studies. She is currently doing higher secondary school education in Kathmandu.



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