READING TIME: 2 minutes

Samjhana Tamang v1 - low resSamjhana Tamang lives with her brother in a house next to the school with barely any amenities. Even though she had other siblings (hence 6 in her family) those younger than her live with other relatives and the older ones have moved out. The older siblings do not appear to be helping her with her educational costs. The sister-in-law who is working abroad is in Kuwait but doesn’t support her in anyway.

Her dad died falling off a cliff while her mother married another man and moved elsewhere leaving her in her brother’s care, a brother who is a little slow.

Attached below are details of her family and the cost of her education.

samjhana tamang - request letter
Samjhana Tamang – request letter. (Click on the image for the original.)

The request letter reads:

Subject: About scholarship.

Personal and family details of the student


Yearly Cost/NRs.

1. Student’s name: Samjhana Tamang
Class: 7
1. School uniform


2. Father’s name: late Kale Tamang2. Shoes + socks


3. Mother’s name: Thuli Tamang3. School bag


4. Family member abroad: Sister-in-law4. Tie + belt (1 set)


5. Number of family members: 65. Student ID


6. Duration for which agricultural yield sustains the family: 6 months6. Admission fee


7. Address: Gunsa-37. Exam fees (3 x 290)


8. Financial situation: weak8. Computer fees (80 x 12) (missing from the original)


 9. Notebooks (20 x 18 x 12)


 10. Pencils (10 x 24)


 11. Geometry box (80 x 1)




Signed and stamped
The Principal

At the current rate of exchange of approximately Rs. 98=US$1.00, the total cost amounts to US$95/year in 7th grade.

However, she has just four more months in 7th grade. Academic year in Nepal runs from mid-April to the beginning of April the following year. That means, she’ll need support for at least the next 3 years.

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Update Feb. 20, 2014

Purchases by Nemira Customers 29 – 34 has ensured that Samjhana gets to finish school!

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September 2014 Update

Samjhana has passed her exams and has moved on to grade 8! Details of her educational costs for the 2014-15 (2071) academic year can be found here.

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September 2015 Update

Samjhana has passed her exams and has moved on to grade 9! Details of her educational costs for this academic year can be found here.

Her family house was one of the 594 houses in Thangpalkot destroyed by the earthquake of April 25.


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July 2017 Update

It’s been almost two years since the last update.

Unfortunately, at some point in 9th grade, she found a man, got married and went to India.


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