Help Launch Nepal’s First Collaborative School

  • Post category:Projects

Help my mate Pete and my buddy Sakar launch Nepal's first collaborative school by donating to their fundraising drive. They are raising a modest $10341 (£6826) to serve some of the poorest students in Kathmandu Valley. What the team has already accomplished since taking over the school is already commendable. These funds will go a long way in accomplishing what they have set out to do: turn the school around and show that huge investments are not necessary to accomplish that.

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Suva Intermediate School: Follow Your Dreams…They’ll Take You Places

The following is the video of one of the three presentations I made to students at Suva Intermediate School, where my UWCAD friend Larry used to work. I talk to about my dreams and life and following dreams to classroom full of mostly Hispanic children, many of whom come from lower middle class or lower class families.

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#BaghdadBombing #BeirutBombing #NepalBlockade #ParisAttacks

  • Post category:General

Life is life, regardless of nationality, religion, skin color or any trait you want to name. And suffering does not discriminate. But to social and other media, the value of life appears to depend on one or combination of traits, such as nationality and religion.

Additionally, the suffering of some are more of a suffering than those of others. Not to me.

And, what's more, some believe that ones pain and suffering can be alleviated by causing pain and suffering to others. I don't.

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