Everyday Science: All About Education
Here are the details from the first session of the seven-session US Embassy's Book Bus (Science) Teacher Empowerment Program, Everyday Science: Learn, to Teach; Teach, To Learn.
Here are the details from the first session of the seven-session US Embassy's Book Bus (Science) Teacher Empowerment Program, Everyday Science: Learn, to Teach; Teach, To Learn.
A blog post about the science teacher training workshop I am conducting. I shall be updating this blog with links to the individual blog posts about the workshops. I decided to create this and make everything available to the public thinking others might also find them useful. Enjoy!
An incident last October brought back memories of the untimely death of my dear maternal grandfather (the same year my classmates ostracized me at St. Xavier's Godavari School). But determined not to let the same tragedy befall the cousin who had suffered a fall that October night, with help from his older brother, I defied the rest of the cousins to do as I saw fit.
School for International Training holds Independent Student Project symposium showcasing the Independent Student (research) Projects. The student present their topics and share their discoveries. This could be very very useful for undergraduate students in Kathmandu.