Nepali Teachers’ Association Starkly Lays Bare The Abysmally Poor Quality of Education in The Country

When teachers in Nepal demonstrate a severe lack of understanding of the problems plaguing our education system and their role in the system, and, worse, threatens to take action by punishing the very group (students) they are supposed to be know the quality of our education system is abysmally poor!

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School Enrollment: Not Proficient Enough in English for Grade 1

One of the ways many private schools in Nepal try to mask the poor quality of education they provide: say that the education their school provide is better than other private schools. So, they require transfer students to take an admissions test and -- lo and behold! -- the child is found lacking in some academic areas and suggested to repeat the year (grade)!

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Caste Hierarchy, False-equivalence Argument, and Mount Everest

When a hill so-called high caste Hindu counters a member of another caste describing the challenges in their lives because of the caste they are born into by saying that they too struggle and have had to work hard to get as far as they have gotten in life, they are basically making a false-equivalence argument. What is a false-equivalence argument anyway? I go into the details by using an analogy -- that of climbing Mount Everest.

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Teacher Education: Climatic Calamity

I conducted another demonstration to a science teacher at a small private school as part of the teacher education program to show them how they can make science teaching and learning interesting and engaging. In this one I used a very topical video -- that of hurricane Dorian that had made landfall in the Bahamas just a few days before the lesson.

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