Flawed Argument (Unwittingly?) Supporting Maintenance of Caste System in Nepal: Constitution-inspired?

An argument that most likely patriots or (ultra)nationalists have made, calling for all Nepalis to rally around "unity in diversity" for "national unity" and "harmony," (unwittingly?) supports the maintenance of the caste system. Turns out, the source of those concepts is our very own constitutions!

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Child Rearing and Education: “Best Discipline” Through No “Disciplining”

Contrary to what many Nepalis believe and will tell you, raising a child to be a well disciplined one does NOT require "disciplining." In other words, to raise a well-behaved child, you don't have to scold, scream, shout, beat, or humiliate the child. All you have to do is to raise them by respecting, listening, and engaging with them.

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Ever Wondered Why We Have Such Warped Structures in Nepal? Here’s Part of The History Responsible For That

Nepali social, economic, and political structures are completely warped. The hill so-called high caste Hindu men are disproportionately highly represented in pretty much every body of note. How did that happen? Here's a little bit of history about that and more.

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I Could Have Been…A Performing Artist

As a primary school student, I loved the arts and was good at acting and singing, and did a lot of that. But acting was also an "out," a means to escape my own self, to become someone else, suffering as I had been from a number of personal issues.

Had I been born a different caste or in a different country, I would have probably become a performing artist as an adult.

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