#LifeEh: Ostracism, Gossiping, Friendships, And Independence

Life is amazing in many many ways. One way it's amazing is how when all the trouble you go to to consciously -- and quite possibly even unconsciously -- avoid something, you discover much later that life actually ended up giving it to you, as it were! This is one such observation about an aspect of my life.

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KVS: Read To Lead

I read English books and novel voraciously as a child because, firstly, I loved it and, secondly, I knew it would help me improve my English. Looking back, I think it benefited me in many other ways, ways that I didn't know and anticipate.

So now, back in Nepal, one of the many things I am trying to do is impress upon schools, teachers, and students the value and importance of reading. This blog post reproduces a presentation I made about that to a group of students at Kopila Valley School.

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