The origin myths behind Nepalis’ “खुट्टा तान्ने प्रवृत्ति”

"Khutta tanne prabidhi" is the Nepalis' tendency to and practice of not only pulling others more "successful" down, but also actively preventing others from accessing that which may make them successful. Here are two origin myths that apparently explain how it started and affirm that practice!

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If protests against Dassain hurt your sentiments…

While, for the hill so-called high caste Hindus, Dassain is the biggest religious festival, for many others, it--along with a lot of the other things--is a symbol of suppression and oppression their ancestors suffered from. So, if, as a high caste, your sentiments are hurt by protests against it, I invite you to reflect and imagine how much and how long the sentiments of others and their ancestors must have been hurt by the suppression of, for example, their festivals.

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Coronavirus Pandemic in Nepal: No Strategy…So Say The Charts

If charts could speak, these charts of mine would scream, "Where is your strategy?" Five months since news of the coronavirus reached us, four since the first case of infection, and over two of lockdown, and now with the cases entering exponential growth phase, Government of Nepal still does NOT appear to have a strategy. That COULD spell a humanitarian crises in the country.

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