EdufreeNepal Campaign: Days 28-35

  • Post category:Projects

We crossed the tipping point on June 25, with ten more days to go. Over the course of the remaining days, almost ten thousand was added to the contribution! The contributions averaged an impressive 1K per day!! Here's the how it looked in the end. Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of July 1. I have these backers to thank for their pledges: Jessica Roff, a friend from my Grinnell years. Michael H. Adolfae Manaslu Gurung, a friend from SMS. Henry Throop, a Grinnell classmates who's donated for a second time! Kristine Kay Johnson, a…

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Qatar…From Afar: Uncommon Courage

In this post, I would like to share two communications that we all can learn from. The first is a comment left on the petition by a former student of mine, and the second a response to that comment. A number of individuals took great risks and displayed great courage participating in the campaign for my release. But one young former student of mine, Mohanad Rwaished, took an incredible risk and showed a level of courage that is uncommon in his age group. After signing the petition, he added a very honest comment detailing what he and his…

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