The Story of Eklavya and Dronarcharya: More of Caste Supremacy Than Model Discipleship

Studying, living, working abroad, unconstrained by closed and inward-looking Nepali culture, society, and people, I questioned a lot of what I had been taught in Nepal.

One was the Hindu-mythology-based beliefs, practices, and values.

One lesson was taught through the story of Eklavya and Dronarcharya. We were taught that the story was about model discipleship. But after deeper questioning I have come to the conclusion that its more of caste supremacy than model discipleship.

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A Job Application in The Times of the Coronavirus Pandemic

During my first professional career as an international teacher, for about two decades I worked in ten countries around the world spread over five continents. Also during that time, I wrote innumerable job applications for positions all over the world from Latin America in the south to Scandinavia in the North; from The United States of America in the West to Japan in the East, and many more positions in countries in between.

What I have reproduced in this blog post, however, is my first international job application during these times of the coronavirus pandemic. Of course, it's a little different from all those that came before.

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ONE Reason Nepali Media is So Atrocious Could be This: The Federation of Nepalese Journalists is Of, For, and By Khas-arya Men

Nepali media is atrocious. Far from it being the fourth pillar of democracy, it panders to the those who are responsible for making the country a failed State. And that's only ONE of the many issues with them.

There's a very good reason for that. No different from those that make up the other three pillars of democracy and pretty much every other structure of any import, Nepali media is of, for, and by Khas-arya men. And that conclusion is based on data.

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The Moment of Truth VIII: Is Nepal Home? If Not, Could I Make It My Home?

In Feb. 2013, I turned down a, international teaching job offer to follow through with my plans to return to Nepal for good, after more than two decades abroad. I had many reasons for doing so. One was to see if Nepal was still my home, and, if not, if I could make it my home.

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