Nepal, Cultivate a Child’s Mind Instead of Controlling It

Cultivating the mind of a child is analogous to cultivating a garden. In Nepal, however, our still very traditional and regressive ways is to tightly control, confine, and constrain the garden of the mind of a child. In order to cultivate the mind, what we must teach and learn to do is to free it.

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Nepal: Citizenship, Ultranationalists, Marital Status, And Our Inhumanity

To me, the worth of a Nation is in the way it treats the weakest and the most vulnerable within its borders.

The way it has been treating the most vulnerable-- children, women, Dalits, and the home-born "refugee" -- Nepal as a nation has little to no worth.

Our nation has lost our humanity and Buddha would be ashamed of us.

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Caste System Fostered and Propped up Groupism in Nepal Corrals People into Small Social Circles Part II

The "brilliance" of the caste system is what Ambedkhar characterized as its inherent "graded inequality."

In Nepal, the gradation can be found not just between the five castes, but also between the ethnic groups, between communities that make up an ethnic group, within communities and therefore between individuals.

And because social status is valued so much, the gradation has determined who you could marry and form a familial alliance with, which in turn dictates who you socialize with the most. Were inter-caste marriage the norm, the caste system would break down.

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Accents, Science, Nepalis, American Idol, and Arthur Gunn

Combination of lack of good quality and level of education and a social system based on a highly discriminatory caste system means that, in Nepal, there are many instance of people displaying their ignorance and/or bigotry and prejudices without even them being aware that that's what they are doing.

This blog post is about one such example: Nepalis mocking the American twang in a Nepal-born American as well as fellow Nepalis for their non-mainstream Nepali accents.

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When Looks Can…Deceive

Nepalis generally make a lot of assumptions about and are judgmental of fellow Nepalis based on their appearance and/or their name and/or surname, a consequence of our social system, the monstrous caste system.

In this blog post I relay a typical incident of a fellow Nepali making assumptions about who I am and what I do based entirely on my facial features -- my ethnicity.

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