In the Land Everyone Takes Pride in as the Birth Place of Buddha, We are Very Short on Compassion

The caste system is highly corrupting. It has corrupted the minds of so many Nepalis for so long that, even while taking pride in the country as the birth place of Buddha who introduced compassion to the world and denounced the system, we are very short on compassion.

And this blog post documents just one example of that: responses to a tweet by a Dalit woman desiring "to live as a human being today."

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News from Kathmandu: July 12, 1993 Letter to an American Friend

I visited Nepal for the first time in three years the Summer of 1993. During my stay in the country, I wrote to a number of my friends abroad. This is a reproduction of the first snail mail I sent my good and dear friend E in the US. It provides a glimpse into what Kathmandu was like then.

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