EdufreeNepal Campaign: Day 5

  • Post category:Projects

Five days of campaigning completed, and we make steady progress towards our tipping point. Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of May 31. The backers making it into the thank-you honor roll over the last 24 hour period are: Liza Edrich, a friend from Doha. Daniella Cintra Chaves. Gaute Strokkenes,…

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EdufreeNepal Campaign: Day 4

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Here's the current situation with the campaign. Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of May 30. That leaves us about $17000 short of the tipping point with 31 days to go! The number of backers over the last 24 hour period was 10. And those that made it into the…

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EdufreeNepal Campaign: Day 3

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Day three was pretty exciting after day two. The campaign picked up considerably!!! The amount pledged went from $5941 to $9961 ($4020) with the participation of 22 backers! Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of May 29. And here are the 22 who deserve my thanks today: John Fuson, my…

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EdufreeNepal Campaign: Day 2

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Here's what happened with Education is Freedom - Nepal fundraising campaign over the last 24 hours. The amount donated increased from $4612 to $5941. The number of donors went from 27 to 44. Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of May 28. That means I have 16 people to thank--and…

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EdufreeNepal Campaign: Day 1

  • Post category:Projects

It was about 24 hours ago that Education is Freedom-Nepal fundraising campaign went live with me posting it on Facebook--at 8:48 am, Nepali time, May 26 to be precise. Fig. 1. Broadcasting Education is Freedom-Nepal campaign on Facebook. I am thrilled to report that we have already raised over $4500 with contributions from 27 friends…

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