COVID-19 Nepal: If It Weren’t for the Ministry of Health And Population’s July Predictions, We’d Be All Right…Or Not!

Since the beginning of July, after the lockdown was lifted, cases, mostly, have been on a downward trend and the Government of Nepal has been relaxing the prohibitions one after another. Of late, the prohibitions have been relaxed considerably. Even restaurants, bars, night clubs, movie theaters are now allowed to open. But, according to the Ministry of Health and Population, the third wave is projected to hit the country in October! So, what's going on? Who knows!

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“Better off struggling Abroad” than “Working my ass off…in Kathmandu”

Four years into living and working in Kathmandu, a young female adult -- a conclusion based on her Twitter profile -- has decided that working her ass off in the city is not worth it, and that she was better off struggling abroad. The tweet appears to speak to many others -- they tweeted affirmatively in response.

After living and working in Nepal for most of the last 8 years, I also concur.

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Disaggregation of 419 Applications for 14 Positions at an NGO (Non-profit) Expose Structural Issues in Nepal

Breakdown of 419 applications for 14 positions at an NGO (non-profit) along gender, caste, qualification lines expose the structural issues inherent in the Brahmanical and highly patriarchal Nepali society.

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UNDP Nepal & WHO Nepal Supported MoHP Online Vaccine Registration Amounts to…NOTHING

If there is ONE hope in the fight against the unprecendented coronavirus pandemic in Nepal it's vaccines. The Government of Nepal has failed utterly and miserably at fighting the pandemic. Sadly though, even that ray of hope for many are turning out to be just that: just a ray of hope. When they couldn't implement an online registration for vaccines, initiated with help from UNDP Nepal and WHO Nepal, what hope is there of them doing anything about vaccination campaign right by the people?! What?! Really?!

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Adults Go from Awareness to Attitude to Behavior, While for Children It’s the Reverse

When behavioral changes have taken place in an adult, we say that change has really taken place. When enough adults change their behavior, society changes.

Behavioral changes in adults, however, is a three step process and that's why it does NOT happen readily or easily or quickly. It start with awareness, which then leads to changes in attitude, which in turn leads, finally, to changes in behavior.

What’s interesting about children, however, is that they start with behavior, which adults can instill in them by modelling.

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