READING TIME: 2 minutes

COMMITTED is taking part in the Holiday Challenge fundraising drive. The drive runs from November 18, 2013 through January 9, 2014.

We are looking for individuals to join COMMITTED’s team to raise funds for us in your locality, from your family and friends, colleagues, students etc. You could even host a fundraising activity–a dinner, a bake sale or yard sale.

Here’s how you join our fundraising team.

Step 1. Go to our fundraising page by clicking here.

Step 2. Scroll down a bit and click on the link FUNDRAISE FOR THIS CAMPAIGN or JOIN THE TEAM as shown below.

1. crowdrise join team page
Step 3. Sign up for a Crowdrise account using one of the four Social Network Logins or create one.

crowdrise login page

Step 4. You’ll be taken to a page that looks something like the one shown below.

3. crowdrise after login

Scroll down a bit and you’ll see something similar to that shown below. Click on the image of your page or on your name to edit the details on your page.

4. crowdrise bottom of personal fundraising page

Step 5. You’ll be taken to a page with the options shown below. You will next edit your fundraiser page. Click on the “EDIT FUNDRAISER” button as indicated below.

5. crowdrise personal fundraising page


Step 6. Next you’ll be presented with the option to “EDIT BASIC FUNDRAISER INFO.” Click on the edit link as shown below.

6. crowdrise editing fundraiserStep 7. Enter your text in the box shown below. You add just a few lines above my own story and keep my story there. Or, you can rework my story or replace my story with one that you feel would work better with your own potential donors. And then click ‘SAVE.’

7. crowdrise entering text in campaign text

Step 8. Next, you will set your own personal goal. Scroll down a bit until you see ‘SET FUNDRAISING GOAL.’ Click ‘Edit’ as shown below.

8. crowdrise editing goal


Enter a realistic amount and click SAVE.

9. crowdrise entering goal

Step 9. Finally, share the campaign with your friends. There are two ways of doing that. Click on the MANAGE CAMPAIGN button and get the link to your page, as shown below, and share it with your friends on social networks.

10. crowdrise sharing

 To share your campaign on your blog or website get the widget by following the instructions below.

11 widget link

And  copy and paste, on the relevant page, the code as indicated below.

12 widget code

That’s it. Thanks!!



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