Birth is a beginning…not an end, unlike how the Caste System in Nepal treats it.

Caste System Can Corrupt The Mind, Kill The Spirit, And Strip One of Humanity

Our social system, the caste system, is a pernicious, insidious, and a deeply corrupt monstrosity. It corrupts the mind, kills the spirit, and strips one of humanity and, worse, obstructs one from seeing the others' humanity. And as such, it corrupts everything else -- all other systems and structures -- based on or influenced by it as they are.

One of consequences of that we are seeing during these unprecedented times of the coronavirus pandemic.

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Like Gods, Like Humans? Or, Like Humans, Like Gods? Or, Like…F*cked up?

If the Gods discriminate, why can't -- or even shouldn't -- the humans as well?! If the Hindu Gods themselves discriminate against some humans (at least Dalits) the way at least some Hindus believe they do, what’s wrong with humans discriminating against the same humans?! After all, who better to follow than the Gods?! Right?

Continue ReadingLike Gods, Like Humans? Or, Like Humans, Like Gods? Or, Like…F*cked up?