Birth is a beginning…not an end, unlike how the Caste System in Nepal treats it.

A Graph is Worth a Thousand Words…It Seems

How do some Nepalese see statistics about composition of different bodies in Nepal?

While a few explain away the disproportionate representation of the High Caste by ascribing it to education, others are against disseminating such information because, according to them, they promote animosity and inter-caste hatred etc. These "educated" Nepalese fail to see/understand -- among other things -- how information is actually educational and empowering!

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The Silenced…Go Silently

The biggest killer of Nepalese girls and women is suicide. Part of the reason has to do with Nepalese society not valuing female lives anywhere near as much as those of males in general and other social issues arising from cultural practices and mentality. There are things we, the Nepalese men, can do to change things around.

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