EdufreeNepal Campaign: Day 6

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Six days of campaigning and still going strong! With still about four weeks left, we are almost half-way to the tipping point!! Thrilling! Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of June 1. The backers making it into the thank-you honor roll over the last 24 hour period are: Morgante Pell. Amy Pertersen, the Baku Evil Eyes Hamburgler! Malia Oliver, a classmate from Grinnell. John H. Moore, a fellow Grinnellian. Jonas Rejda, my buddy from  QA. Michael Hanna, a classmate from Grinnell. Mina Hosseinipour, a Hashing and Ultimate Frisbee friend from my days in Malawi. Once gain, please…

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EdufreeNepal Campaign: Day 5

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Five days of campaigning completed, and we make steady progress towards our tipping point. Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of May 31. The backers making it into the thank-you honor roll over the last 24 hour period are: Liza Edrich, a friend from Doha. Daniella Cintra Chaves. Gaute Strokkenes, a former student from my days at RCNUWC. Laura Pogue, a classmate and friend from my years at Grinnell. Swadhesh Sthrestha, a friend from Nepal. Andrej Bauer, a friend and classmate from my years at UWCAD. Anonymous 3x (I have removed the names of these…

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EdufreeNepal Campaign: Day 4

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Here's the current situation with the campaign. Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of May 30. That leaves us about $17000 short of the tipping point with 31 days to go! The number of backers over the last 24 hour period was 10. And those that made it into the thank-you honor roll for day 4 of Education is Freedom-Nepal fundraising campaign are: Sonya Ter Borg. Kent Babin, the high flying, Baku Evil Eyes Ultimate pal. Leigh Newton, a friend and colleague from my years at TISA. Aimee O'Connor. Cin Barnsley, a friend from my…

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EdufreeNepal Campaign: Day 3

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Day three was pretty exciting after day two. The campaign picked up considerably!!! The amount pledged went from $5941 to $9961 ($4020) with the participation of 22 backers! Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of May 29. And here are the 22 who deserve my thanks today: John Fuson, my James 3rd SA, freshmen year at Grinnell. Chad Stuchis, my buddy/classmate from Grinnell. Colleen Thomas, another friend from Grinnell. Jo Green, another colleague from TISA. Leny de Ruijter, another colleague from TISA. Rishav Suwal. Ben Bupendra Pradhan, my dear friend going all the way back…

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