Project Update: Kulekhani Fishery Visit

  • Post category:Projects

The biggest challenge facing any development work is sustainability. Addressing that in our education-related charity work is Social Business for Education--a business venture that generates income to support mainly education and other community development projects, as identified and deemed important by the community themselves. The fishery we are setting up at Thangpalkot for Raithane School is just that. In preparation for that, Friday, August 1st, we accompanied our expert consultant Madhav on a trip to the Kulekhani Hydropower Reservoir fishery. The local government and Kulekhani community has run a very successful fishery in the reservoir. At one time, Madhav himself…

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EdufreeNepal Campaign: Days 28-35

  • Post category:Projects

We crossed the tipping point on June 25, with ten more days to go. Over the course of the remaining days, almost ten thousand was added to the contribution! The contributions averaged an impressive 1K per day!! Here's the how it looked in the end. Fig. 1. Education is Freedom-Nepal Campaign Status as of the morning of July 1. I have these backers to thank for their pledges: Jessica Roff, a friend from my Grinnell years. Michael H. Adolfae Manaslu Gurung, a friend from SMS. Henry Throop, a Grinnell classmates who's donated for a second time! Kristine Kay Johnson, a…

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