Adults Go from Awareness to Attitude to Behavior, While for Children It’s the Reverse

When behavioral changes have taken place in an adult, we say that change has really taken place. When enough adults change their behavior, society changes.

Behavioral changes in adults, however, is a three step process and that's why it does NOT happen readily or easily or quickly. It start with awareness, which then leads to changes in attitude, which in turn leads, finally, to changes in behavior.

What’s interesting about children, however, is that they start with behavior, which adults can instill in them by modelling.

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Kathmandu University’s Job Advertisement in The Times of COVID-19

Reading the wanted advertisement Kathmandu University put out in early May 2021, you would think that nothing was amiss in the there were no such thing as a pandemic raging!

I tear apart the advertisement in this blog post. It's like the decision makers at KU were a bunch of clueless individuals running a small family-owned and run business, NOT academics!

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