When Structural Privilege Blinds and Subtle Internalized Casteism Guides

The caste system has corrupted the minds of Nepalis. Here is an example of how it has corrupted the minds of the Hill so-called High Caste Hindus.

Blinded as they are by structural privilege and their sense of entitlement their social group has enjoyed for generations, they demonstrate subtle internalized casteism stemming from their unconscious sense of superiority.

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A Job Application in The Times of the Coronavirus Pandemic

During my first professional career as an international teacher, for about two decades I worked in ten countries around the world spread over five continents. Also during that time, I wrote innumerable job applications for positions all over the world from Latin America in the south to Scandinavia in the North; from The United States of America in the West to Japan in the East, and many more positions in countries in between.

What I have reproduced in this blog post, however, is my first international job application during these times of the coronavirus pandemic. Of course, it's a little different from all those that came before.

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When Looks Can…Deceive

Nepalis generally make a lot of assumptions about and are judgmental of fellow Nepalis based on their appearance and/or their name and/or surname, a consequence of our social system, the monstrous caste system.

In this blog post I relay a typical incident of a fellow Nepali making assumptions about who I am and what I do based entirely on my facial features -- my ethnicity.

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#LifeEh: Ostracism, Gossiping, Friendships, And Independence

Life is amazing in many many ways. One way it's amazing is how when all the trouble you go to to consciously -- and quite possibly even unconsciously -- avoid something, you discover much later that life actually ended up giving it to you, as it were! This is one such observation about an aspect of my life.

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