COVID-19 Nepal: Kathmandu District Sept Update

Cases in Kathmandu have been rising pretty steadily since after a week of the end of the first lockdown. As a matter of fact, they have been rising so much that the last several days they have account for about 50% of the cases in the entire country when the population of the district is less than 10%! That of course, does not bode well!

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Nepal: Privilege and Entitlement Fostered Myopic Arrogance

There are many many consequences of Nepali society being highly patriarchal and stratified. The Bhramanical patriarchal system stratified along caste lines, for example, has resulted in high caste Hindu men having a monopoly over in position of power and influence. Being there for as long as they have been, they have established a culture that works for them, a culture based, among other things, their arrogance. In blog post, I share one example of how that arrogance translates into what otherwise would be a professional relationship and professional interactions.

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