Open Societies Use Information & Knowledge To Free Their People; Closed Ones to Control

How a society uses information and knowledge depends a lot on the kind of society it is. An open and outward looking society uses information and knowledge to free their people, for example. A closed and inward-looking society, on the other hand, utilizes them to control their people. Nepal, being a closed and inward-looking society, expends a lot of effort into controlling their people, starting from when they are children.

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Accents, Science, Nepalis, American Idol, and Arthur Gunn

Combination of lack of good quality and level of education and a social system based on a highly discriminatory caste system means that, in Nepal, there are many instance of people displaying their ignorance and/or bigotry and prejudices without even them being aware that that's what they are doing.

This blog post is about one such example: Nepalis mocking the American twang in a Nepal-born American as well as fellow Nepalis for their non-mainstream Nepali accents.

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Hold up a Mirror to a Closed and Inward-looking People, They’ll Shatter It

Nepalis on average are a closed and inward looking people. And because of that, when the proverbial mirror is held in front of them, offended, disappointed, or not liking what is reflected back, they generally shatter the mirror. In this blog post, I document one such example from Twitter.

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COVID-19 Nepal Update: Government of Nepal Has Given Up

I have been tracking the Coronavirus pandemic in Nepal by keeping tracking of data about and related to it. Based on my analysis of those data, I have come to conclude that the Government of Nepal was really just pretending to fight the pandemic. Sadly, in the last few days, they appear to have given up the fight. They appear to have collapsed.

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COVID-19 Nepal Oct. Update: We Are On Our Own

The Government of Nepal has NOT had a strategy the entire period they have been attempting to tackle the Coronavirus pandemic. Most of what they did was to pretend to be doing something. But for the last three months, they have even abandoned that and, as far as I can tell, have been leaving the population to fight it on their own. In spite of these trying and potentially deadly times of the pandemic, there are few thing you can do.

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COVID-19 Nepal: Evidence Suggests We are In Stage 3 of the Pandemic

Over the course of two months, from July 21 to September 26, the number of cases in the country doubled every month. A close study of the change in the proportion and number of cases representing gender and age demographics that were not represented as much in the July cohort shows that we are on Stage 3 of the pandemic. Given that there's little to no measures in place to mitigate the spread of the virus, Stage 4 looks likely.

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