UNDP Nepal & WHO Nepal Supported MoHP Online Vaccine Registration Amounts to…NOTHING

If there is ONE hope in the fight against the unprecendented coronavirus pandemic in Nepal it's vaccines. The Government of Nepal has failed utterly and miserably at fighting the pandemic.Sadly though, even that ray of hope for many are turning out to be just that: just a ray of hope.When they couldn't implement an online registration for vaccines, initiated with help from UNDP Nepal and WHO Nepal, what hope is there of them doing anything about vaccination campaign right by the people?! What?! Really?!

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Do Hindu Gods Discriminate Against Those Who Arrive Late to Heaven?

If I didn't know any better, based on the fervor with which Nepalis have been celebrating festivals during these times of the coronavirus pandemic, I would have concluded that there was some benefit to reaching heaven sooner than later.

Data in Bhaktapur's case, for example, show how Biska Jatra had contributed to, what I call, COVID-19 Jatra -- a massive spike in COVID-19 cases. No doubt that'll lead to deaths, if it hasn't already.

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