Something Really Strange and Curious About the Nepali People…as Revealed by Census Data

The pattern in Nepal's population distribution by single year age, whether one from 1961 or 2011, is peculiar! They have spikes and there's a pattern to them--two too! So the question is why?

Of course, such patterned spikes in age distribution data do NOT generally exist because there's NO reason to!

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View Towers or Libraries? Nepal: View Towers…Definitely!

Nepal is NOT a knowledge-based economy. As a matter of fact, the aim of those in positions of power and influence--for whom power and money trumps everything--has always been to keep the population poorly education in order to control and manipulate them. So, view towers are prioritized over schools and libraries.

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About Dassain…”Methinks thou dost protest too much”

Closed and inward-looking people are "offended" or "hurt" by anything they perceive as an attack on anything even remotely connected to or part of their identity. Many even go on the offensive in reaction instead of introspecting.

Closed and inward-looking Nepalis are no different. This is an example of their reaction to protests by indigenous population against Dassain, the biggest national festival of the country, which, to many of them, is a symbol of oppression and suppression.

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