View Towers or Libraries? Nepal: View Towers…Definitely!

Nepal is NOT a knowledge-based economy. As a matter of fact, the aim of those in positions of power and influence--for whom power and money trumps everything--has always been to keep the population poorly education in order to control and manipulate them. So, view towers are prioritized over schools and libraries.

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About Dassain…”Methinks thou dost protest too much”

Closed and inward-looking people are "offended" or "hurt" by anything they perceive as an attack on anything even remotely connected to or part of their identity. Many even go on the offensive in reaction instead of introspecting.

Closed and inward-looking Nepalis are no different. This is an example of their reaction to protests by indigenous population against Dassain, the biggest national festival of the country, which, to many of them, is a symbol of oppression and suppression.

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Untold History of Dassain, A Symbol of Oppression and Suppression

Dassain, a Hindu festival, is recognized and celebrated by many in Nepal as the biggest and most important national festival. As per the historian Bhagiraj Ingnam the festival has a dark history -- a history of past regimes wielding it as a tool to subjugate and control the indigenous population. As such, to many the festival is actually a symbol of oppression and suppression.

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Lynching of Half-a-Dozen Dalits by a Mob of Dozens in Rukum in May 2020 and Nepali Media

On May 23, 2020, a mob of 50-60 so-called higher caste villagers lynched half-a-dozen Dalit males. Not long after, the story mostly disappeared from mainstream media in Nepal. But that's NOT surprising in a society of people whose minds have been corrupted by the Caste System.

Nepal needs a revolution...a revolution of the mind.

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News from Kathmandu: July 12, 1993 Letter to an American Friend

I visited Nepal for the first time in three years the Summer of 1993. During my stay in the country, I wrote to a number of my friends abroad. This is a reproduction of the first snail mail I sent my good and dear friend E in the US. It provides a glimpse into what Kathmandu was like then.

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