“The local people should improve the quality of their lives.” […] “But let them not wear ties”

Our political leaders and the Kathmandu elite have always been arrogant, self-righteous and patronizing when it came to the way they treat marginalized Nepalese.

Here's an example of that going all the way back to the early nineties when they opened and served up Mustang district as consumer products to trekkers and travellers.

Is it any wonder they are treating the people in the southern plains as they are now?!

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No Can Do In Kath Man Du

In Nepal, it seems, some rights -- even when it infringes on the rights of others -- can be asserted especially when you can back it up with violence! In other words, some rights -- granted by the law and constitution of the country -- which you should be able to assert peacefully, you might not assert, or be able to assert, because of the threat of violence against you!

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