“Why do rural poor Americans vote against their economic interest?”
A reproduction of an excellent series of tweets by JuanPa (@jpbrammer) on why white rural poor Americans vote against their own economic interest.
A reproduction of an excellent series of tweets by JuanPa (@jpbrammer) on why white rural poor Americans vote against their own economic interest.
What is something in Nepal that those who SHOULD have it don't and those who SHOULDN'T do?
A TedTalk on shame that could help us in Nepal to think of shame differently and make social progress!
We might not have a sea in Nepal...but we have got Krazy Gecko!
Children at Raithane School received some letters from Friendship Elementary School in Pennsylvania. Raithane School students, after reading them, return the favor by writing them back.
When what someone says appears to completely contradict what the person insists they are saying...what do you do? You write about it.
Questions about the media in Kathmandu and difficult questions for my fellow Nepalese...at this difficult time.