Kathmandu University’s Job Advertisement in The Times of COVID-19

READING TIME: 3 minutes

Towards the end of April 2021, I came across an ad for a number of positions at Kathmandu University, one of the top private universities in the country. Except, I had some major issues with it. So, I posted a thread on twitter which is what I am reproducing here with comments where necessary or appropriate.

I created the thread because the whole thing was so embarrassing and cringworthy. Anyway, here’s the first tweet.

In the next tweet, I drew attention to the langauge which was, again, embarrassing!

Then there was the issue of timing and their expectations.

Had no one at the University been tracking the pandemic? Had no one at the University been aware of the developments and what they potentially meant?

Then next, I had two questions about the timing and expectations.

In the following tweet I point out an issue with the date the ad was published and the date from which they were accepting applications. That just shows a lack of planning and organization.

And more requirements.

Following the lockdown, did the University revise or change the requirements? I suspect NOT!

And the concluding tweet.

The job advertisement looks more like one from some small family-owned and run business than from one of the biggest–if not the BIGGEST–private university in the country of Nepal!

What do you think?

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