Teacher Education: Climatic Calamity

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Back in September (2019), I was conducting my teacher education program at a small private school in Kathmandu. One of the aspects of the program involved my demonstrating lessons for the benefit of the teachers there.

The aims of these demonstrations were to show the teachers a number of things,

  1. How NOT to teach directly from the textbook (something pretty much every secondary school teacher I have observed has done);
  2. How to make science lessons interesting and engaging, even in the absence of fancy, expensive instruments and gadgets or in the absence of a science laboratory (which most schools don’t have) by simply making creative use of readily available materials; and
  3. How to engage students in their learning (instead of just lecturing to them from in front of the classroom).

Two lessons I conducted I have already blogged about: the first lesson was on Natural Resources, and the second one was about an aspect of Climate Change.

This lesson was supposed to cover hurricane, a climatic calamity, an aspect of climate change. It has just been a day or two since I had learned, from Facebook, about Hurricane Dorian pummeling the Bahamas. Here’s the post.

the bahamas Hurricane Dorian

So, I went looking for a videos of the calamity and videos about hurricanes because I wanted to demonstrate to the young science teacher (who was an undergraduate Physics student) that you can teach lessons using videos, topical and current videos! And sure enough I found them!

The first was the coverage of the hurricane in the Bahamas by ABC.

And here’s the other video about hurricane that I used in the lesson.

What do you think?


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