Nepal UWC Scholarship Application for 2019

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While in 2016-17, the blog posts announcing the availability of the application form for UWC Scholarships 2017 and detailing the selection process got lots of hits every single month, in 2017-18, both it and the one for 2018, has been getting a lot of hits. (See images below.)

UWC Nepal Scholarship application 2017
Monthly hits of the blog post about UWC Scholarship Application for 2017.
UWC Nepal Scholarship application 2018
Monthly hits of the blog post about UWC Scholarship Application for 2018.

I hope that means considerably more students and parents are interested in the opportunity than in the past. I hope that also means that more and more Nepali families are learning about and are interested in this incredible opportunity. I credit my passion in traveling to my experience at the UWC for example. It was at the UWC that I learned to ask myself THE big questions and put me on a path of incredible self-discovery.  (Click here, here, here, or here for more.)

Anyway, the application forms for those wishing to start their UWC career in the Fall of 2019, is now available. Click here for the English version. Click here for the Nepali version. If you don’t know how to download the application, click here for a step-by-step instruction.

The deadline is September 30, 2018.

Don’t know if you qualify? Click here for the Eligibility Criteria.

Don’t know how the application and selection process works? Click here for the details. Click here for the selection timeline.

In the past, I have had guardians/parents and prospective candidates, including those who had made it past the first or second stage, approach me for help with the process. If you are inclined to do that, let me tell you flat out that I will be of NO help!

If you want to learn the reasons behind that decision of mine, please read UWC Scholarships, Nepotism and Conflict of Interest. And, please do not be like a prospective student from a couple of years ago, detailed in the blog post Like Country, Like Young Man?

For any UWC- or UWC Scholarship-related issue or question, please email or contact the UWC Nepal National Committee Coordinator at 9841268991.

Incidentally, if you are a school teacher, or an administrator, who has decided some or many of your students should apply for the scholarships and is also helping them with the process, it reflects very poorly on your school if you request an extension to the application deadline just a few days before the date because of some school event scheduled around that time but one that had been on the calendar all along. And yes, this actually happened last year.

Firstly, the deadline is not set randomly. Secondly, what kind of message are you sending your students when you do that? Think about that.

Of course Nepal being Nepal, unexpected things do happen and come up which are beyond our control. And naturally, they require that we all readjust and work around them. Like the August 30 and 31 public holidays for valley schools announced by the government only on August 28 on account of the BIMSTEC representatives’ conference in Kathmandu! Under those circumstances, everyone has to adjust.


Oct. 2, 2018 Update

The deadline has been extended.

UWC scholarship app deadline


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