Everyday Science: Lesson Planning and Imparting Critical Thinking Skills

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higher level thinking skills feat image

Since January 12, 2018 I have been running the US Embassy’s Book Bus teacher empowerment program Everyday Science: Learn, To Teach; Teach, To Learn.

I promised the participants that I would share, online, most of what I shared with them in the workshops, that I would share them in the form of blog posts. This is the third one. (Click here for the blog post Everyday Science: Learn, To Teach; Teach, To Learn in which you can find links to all the blog post about the workshops.)

  • Click here for a PDF version of the PowerPoint presentation on lesson planning.
  • Click here for the example of topic introduction PowerPoint presentation I shared with them. This one is on Chemical Bond, meant to get across the meaning of bonding, the most crucial concept in the topic.
  • Click here for a PDF version of the PowerPoint presentation on Critical Thinking. This presentation included demonstrations of discrepant events, analyzing them, explaining them, and evaluating them and/or the explanation. In other words, engaging in critical thinking processes.
  • Click here for videos of the discrepant events mentioned in the presentation (Dancing Coin, Uncanny Can and Rubbery Egg), which are found on my Science Blog.

If you are interested in what a sample solution expected of a MYP Year 2 and 3 students (7th and 8th graders) to a such tasks (which call “discrepant events”) click here. Click here for a solution for the same discrepant event expected of MYP Year 4 and 5 students (9th and 10th graders).

Once again, I had them provide anonymous reflections. One of the first questions in the sheet asks them to rate the session and provide a reason(s) for the rating.

rating and reasonHere’s how the participants rated the session and their reasons.

Day 3 Rating and reason for rating

What do you think?



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