Movember 2017: Growing Solo

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movember 2017 Nov 1
Clean shaven and ready for Movember 2017!

Keeping to my tradition, here I am with Movember 2017, the activity where I grow my mo solo! Returning to Nepal in 2013, I tried to get my Xaverian classmates involved. But far from getting any takers, not a single friend even responded to the PM I sent out about the idea. So, from 2014, I have been growing solo.

If interested in a short history of Movember (or Grovember as it might be called in some places)  click here. If interested in what Movember is and how it works click here.

What I’ll be doing is to update this post a couple or more times with photos of my mo at different stages of growth throughout the month. And at the end, donate some funds to a charity.

Are you doing Movember?

Here’s what my mo looks like today, November 15.

movember 2017 Nov 15

And the look today…on the final day!

movember 2017 nov 30I haven’t decided who to make donation to or how to help someone with the funds I want to contribute etc. I’ll most likely end up supporting a UWC scholar with something or other. Last year, that had also been the idea but the student who I was planning to support lost touch with me. All the attempts at my trying to contact him failed. When he finally got back to me, it was when he had already left the country! 🙁 🙁


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