“Men Observe Hijab?” Yes!

  • Post category:Qatar
READING TIME: 3 minutes
girls in hijab Qatar 5964 feat image
Girls in Hijab celebrating Qatar National Day.

During my short spell as a teacher at Qatar Academy in Doha, Qatar, which ended with my being jailed for allegedly insulting Islam, I saw girls and women in Hijab all the time. Many of those girls were my own students.

BUT, of course, I didn’t have any discussion about it with — nor did I ever even ask any question about it to — any of them.

Reading a Twitter thread a little over a month ago about Hijab by Qasim Rashid on #MuslimWomensDay (March 28), I learned something about Islam that I hadn’t known until then. I reproduce the thread here — with permission from Rashid — to remind myself of this new insight and understanding, and with the hope that it enlightens others as well.

Here it goes.

He also wrote an article about it. Here it is: Muslim men need to understand that the Quran says they should observe hijab first, not women.

(There is a lesson here for non-Muslims too, a lesson for men in Nepal for instance. Victim blaming when it comes to gender-based violence, such as sexual harassment during festivals, such as Holi, or even something as heinous an act as rape, Nepalese culture allows men to blame the victim.)

Looking back, I find it kind of ironic that, all through my adult life I decide I don’t know enough about the people and religion of the Middle East and that I must actually go live there among them to learn about them, get the opportunity, go there (Qatar), spend almost two years, leave, and I learn more about many aspects of their religion etc. from outside than when I was there!

What do you think?



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